Saturday, December 15, 2018

Week 18

Weekly Greetings!

It is hard to believe we are just about done with our first semester of school! This week there will be more enrichment activities for Christmas interwoven into our regular routine. In addition there will not be any spelling this week, but I will still be sending homework with a math fact sheet and a language activity page nightly as usual. Also, please remember the Christmas program will be on Wednesday at 6:00pm and there will not be any G.A.P. that day. Finally, there will be an early release on Friday at 2:15pm. Our class party will be after lunch at 1:15pm and I will be attaching a sign-up sheet for snacks. I hope some of you can join us!

Even though for the last few weeks we have tried to make one last academic push before ending our first semester, we did make time to use the Makerspace room for an art project. It was great that everyone was in class that day. With all the different sicknesses and people traveling, it has been rare for everyone to be in class on any given day. When the students finished their project, they could explore materials in the room before we had to clean up.
I hope you have a wonderful holiday with family and friends! School will open again for the second semester on Monday, January 7. It will only be a three-day week, though, due to a basketball tournament. Teachers will in-service that Thursday and Friday.

Kind Regard,

Julie Brown

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Week 40

Weekly Greetings, Our last week of school is here! I can't believe how fast the year has gone by, and how much the students have grown...