Saturday, December 8, 2018

Week 17

Weekly Greetings!

It is amazing to me that we only have two more weeks of school before vacation! Also, that will be the end of our first semester, marking half way through the school year. Since the last week before vacation is always filled with festive activities, I have been continuing to make an academic push the last few weeks to complete our 2nd quarter.

Tim Lorenzini had to reschedule for after vacation, as the refuge office was closed on Wednesday due to a national day of mourning the loss of President George H. Bush. But, we were fortunate to participate in another special activity the next day. During our usual pod class time, we were fortunate to have a music concert on Thursday to enjoy some Christmas music.  Our visitors played traditional carols from around the world on a variety of stringed instruments. It lasted for 45 minutes, and the students listened intently. The kindergarten class even participated with the final song!
When I was gone a little over a week ago, I  got a wonderful report from the seasoned teacher who substituted for me. Here is a quote from her notes to me. "I enjoyed the day with the students. They were all kind, caring, respectful, helpful, and hard working." I wanted to pass that on to you all because I have to agree with her observations. It has been a pleasure to be working with this group, and sometimes it is good to share that with others.

I hope you have a great week!

Kind Regards,

Julie Brown

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Week 40

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