Saturday, April 6, 2019

Week 34

Weekly Greetings!

This week we will continue to press forward in preparation for he next set of testing that will happen in two weeks. In addition, students are being encouraged to keep reading to add minutes to our Read Around the World incentive activity. The fifth grade has already read enough minutes to be the first to complete the goal to read enough minutes to get to the final continent, but there are prizes for the  student in each class that read the most. Each week we have tried to keep the enthusiasm going with special presenters for each continent. During our reading rotations last Monday, I shared with three different groups about my time living in Botswana, Africa. This Monday, Jane Teague will be sharing about Australia.  The following photo is of the second and third grade seeing a brief video on the continent of Africa before I shared my experience.
On Wednesday, we started a new Science unit on the states of Matter. We will continue this area for the next few weeks.  The students were introduced to the concept and then began a collage using magazines to create a poster with things that fall into the trees states of matter.
By Friday, all the PEAKS test were completed and we celebrated by tossing the foam Frisbees while the song "You Got to Move It, Move It" was playing. The students really enjoy it when we do this activity to celebrate their hard work.
 Have a great week!

Kind Regards,

Julie Brown

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Week 40

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